Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some of the sketches for the journal., might post more later if I can hijack my room mates' scanners.

Observational done on the GO train and @St Lawrence market last Friday.


Random helmet series part 1


Monday, February 21, 2011

GAHHHHH. I can't help but feel that I've done NOTHING in these 6 weeks at all despite the imploding workload.  With Conceptual process, we have to do 100 pages MINIMUM and the HALFWAY point checkmark is this Wednesday. I've... 20 pages so far?  ._.  Most of which are observation sketches.  Creativity is at a low.... and plus I'm getting really disinterested in schoolwork, which means I won't really put effort into it.

With the facial muscle drawing, I feel that it's not as good as some of the others that I've seen, so cue disappointment and laziness, since it's due technically today.  >^<

Monday, February 7, 2011

Me and a couple of other friends have decided to do a theme digital painting every week to practice. This week's theme is clouds, and admittedly, we slacked off. :D

Still, once I started it was hard to stop.... and we were only supposed to do one. O-o

All artwork is created with the help of reference pictures. I feel that I depend on them too much and its a point of contention with me.