Thursday, April 12, 2012


More schoolwork. joy.   

Exploded view of things

This view is so pretty; too bad Ian will never accept it.

Instant cutaway. oh hey I've done next year's project already.

On a random note, cereal with mocha and peanut butter is awesome. Chocolate, coffee AND peanut butter.

shedding progress

so nothing interesting is going to be posted for a bit... MEANWHILE HAVE SOME SHEDS.

Progress pics?  Or what I do to satisfy my urge to look at semi shiny objects.

Should be the final. I'm not going to kill myself over this.

Monday, April 2, 2012

coffee packaging

Packaging assignment! Super excited because it's all SO CLEAN :D.  Currently having a mild obsession with design packaging...   Might change colour schemes later and will definitely kill myself to model them! :DDDDDD  

Basically:  Coffee bags, tea tins, cake, pastry packaging and shopping bag.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


MAGICAL THING PROJECT.  I wished we could do more fantastical stuff... rather than this plain ol' compact stool/stove-in a table combination. The stool is stackable with the stove and you can slide both into the table.

WITH TEXTURESSS. Stove is stainless steel with the table being durable plastic/carbon fibre to make it light. Chair should be carbon fibre/plexiglass or some light metal and spray painted.